I hesitated in creating this blog a lot. Why, you ask? I assumed that blogs were more of like a diary, or like a Tumblr account for people who had one. Clearly, I was in the wrong.
My name is Angele. I'm a 21 year old student who is planning on becoming a teacher in 2 years. In my short life, I've learnt many lessons when it comes to growing as a person, bettering my mental health and constantly improving. What is the key to happiness, according to me? Positivity. I see so many people, including my own friends, spiral in this constant negativity. Never feeling good enough, worrying about what other people think, depressed days staying in bed... all of which I've experienced. To be honest, this is a really hard lesson to learn.
I know what you're saying: People have mental illnesses and saying "just be positive" is both insulting and doesn't solve the problem. I completely agree! Therapy, medication and other forms of help are definitely beneficial and are often necessary to feel better. However, it also helps to change our mindset and the way our brains respond to life events: Will we be stressed and sad, or will we be mindful and look for the positive things that can come out of this situation?
With creating this blog, I want at least one person to start feeling like they're normal. You are not crazy, you can reduce the negativity in your life, and you can start seeing more beauty around you.
I used to be one of the most negative people! Minor inconveniences like needing to make a phone call, getting a less than ideal grade on a test, or not being able to do exactly what I wanted took a toll on me. As a result, I felt constantly angry and exasperated. The amount of times that I got stressed out over a tiny thing was insane!
I changed my outlook because living in a constant state of stress was HARD. It was draining, having these pent up emotions just chilling in my chest. If it was past experiences that kept me down, I got help for managing my response to them. I have strategies for dealing with stressful things. These strategies need to be shared with you, because no one likes that heavy feeling in your chest!
This blog is for FRIENDS. It is a safe space to feel heard and to learn lessons. We already experience so much judgement and shame in life, so why add that here? Life is all about experimenting to find out who we are, and the least I could do here is provide a safe space to get away from it all.
Personal Growth
I like to joke and say that I have a personality change every four years. But what if... I just grew? A shy little teenager blossomed into a self-assured, social butterfly who loves to try new things! At this age, it's the most comfortable with myself that I've ever been. Self-confidence is such a lovely feeling to have, and with this blog, discovering oneself is one of the goals.
Are you introverted or extroverted? What are your goals in life? What would you like to change about your life? Are you happy? These are all questions that we can answer together.
Personal growth is a step-by-step process, and never seems to stop. However, the major objective is to feel good with ourselves, and have the confidence to know what you want in life. There's no minimum or maximum age to this process, and everyone goes at it at their own pace.
Me in 2016: Feeling like I don't fit it, in a toxic relationship, anxious about school and burnt out
Me in 2020: Happy with genuine friends, in a healthy relationship, happy about where my life is headed
What did I say about four years? Each year goes by with new lessons learnt. If you are not quite comfortable about who you are or are unsure, this blog is for you.
I am a firm believer that art heals us. Things like art therapy are getting more common, and help people express their emotions in a healthy and constructive way. Crafting and making new things is a rewarding process, and as you master it, your self-confidence grows! This blog will explore the creative side that we all have, and use that to become healed and happy.
I'm a scientist. In my bachelor's degree, I had classes where I felt completely alone and unsupported either academically or socially. Quickly, art became my way of expressing myself, since my classes were pretty cut and dry. Don't get me wrong, I love cell biology, but one's personality has way more than one dimension! Hopefully Peace out, Negativity will awaken your inner Picasso and provide that boost for your mind.
As of now, Instagram story templates, informational articles, fun quizzes and guest authors are in the works for this blog. I can't wait to see where this takes us!
I want everyone to feel the way I feel. Finally happy.
Peace out!